Biomedical and biotechnology fields are key to healthcare technology innovation,
and hence, crucial to the realization of the ONE HEALTH agenda. However,
Africa faces an acute shortage of biomedical scientists, engineers, and
biotechnologists, partly because only a handful of African countries have
institutions of higher learning offering education and training programs
in these fields, and the few who get trained are mainly engaged in maintenance,
sales, or procurement of imported medical devices, with few in the research
front. This poses a serious challenge to the development of biomedical
entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem critical to developing home-grown
health technologies and solutions to support the fragile healthcare systems
in Africa. In fact, lack of training and education in biomedical and biotechnology
fields continue to undermine the continent’s innovative capacity, knowledge
uptake, and utilization of scientific knowledge and technology in the continent.
Thus, there is an urgent need to establish a multistakeholder approach
to support training and research capacity development in biomedical engineering
and biotechnology in Africa. This will have immediate and long-term implications
for the provision of quality healthcare in the continent. The Africa International Biotechnology and Biomedical Conference (AIBBC) was founded by likeminded scientists, academicians, engineers, researchers and educationists with a common interest of promoting research training and education in the fields of biomedical and biotechnology in Africa. The organization draws its membership from universities and research organizations in Africa.
Organized since 2014 (see below for past activities), AIBBC training workshops and conferences have provided opportunities for practical training, knowledge sharing, and accelerating access to the latest technology and scientific advances in health, agriculture, and the environment in Africa. By promoting research capacity development, technological innovation, and fostering international scientific exposure and networking, AIBBC aims to create a pool of competent healthcare providers, educators, and public policy makers with the prerequisite expertise to drive forward the ONE HEALTH agenda in Africa. To this end, AIBBC has initiated pioneering biomedical/biotechnology training and education programs under the AIBBC workshops, and established biennial AIBBC conferences which have become unparalleled international platforms for research sharing and exchange in the continent. Cumulatively over 1,000 students, faculty and medical practitioners from different countries in Africa have undertaken hands-on training in advanced biomedical technologies organized by AIBBC. Indeed, by offering premier platforms for research training and scientific exchanges in biomedical and medical biotechnology fields in Africa, AIBBC has generated a lot of interest in research and innovations in these crucial fields and created networking opportunities that have contributed to research collaboration among institutions within and without Africa.
Objectives and goals of AIBBC
AIBBC aims to provide a platform for promoting knowledge sharing, interaction and networking among researchers from different research and geographical backgrounds who share a common passion for finding scientific solutions to global problems in health, food and environment, especially in resource limited regions particularly Africa.Specific aims of AIBBC are:
- Create opportunities for African scientists and students to network with and build collaboration with researchers from different countries across the globe;
- Inspire and promote scientific capacity building in African countries through training and mentorship of young scientists and students by leading scientists.
Past activities
- 5th AIBBC (AIBBC 2021), Nov. 8-12, Kisumu, KENYA (Approx. 300 participants)
Workshops and Conference venue (both onsite and online): Maseno University, Kisumu, Kenya - 2020 AIBBC Online Conference and Training in the COVID-19 Era (Approx. 250 participants)
Workshops and conference held online (Nov. 5-6th, 2020, ONLINE) - 4th AIBBC (AIBBC 2019) , Aug. 26-30, 2019 (Approx. 235 participants)
Workshops venue: Institute of Primate Research, Nairobi, Kenya
Conference venue: PrideInn Paradise Convention Centre, Mombasa, Kenya - AIBBC workshops 2018
Venue: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT), Juja, Kenya - 3rd AIBBC (AIBBC 2017) , Sep. 12-15, 2017, KENYA (Approx. 189 participants)
Workshops and Conference venue: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT), Juja, Kenya - 2nd AIBBC (AIBBC 2015) , SEP. 17-19, 2015, KENYA (Approx. 95 participants)
Conference venue:, African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) , Nairobi, Kenya - 1st AIBBC (AIBBC 2014) , Sep. 10-11, 2014, KENYA (Approx. 150 participants)
Conference venue:, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi
Organizing Committee
Honorary ChairmanDr. Hideki Kambara, Emeritus Fellow, Hitachi Ltd., Japan
President, Frontier Biosciences Inc. Japan
General Chair
Prof. Collins Ouma, Professor, Maseno University, Kenya
Chief Organizers
- Dr. Eddy O. Odari, Senior Lecturer, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya
- Dr. Lucy Ochola, Senior Scientist, Institute of Primate Research (IPR), Kenya
- Dr. Kennedy O. Okeyo, Senior Lecturer, Kyoto University, Japan
- Prof. Paul Robinson, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University, USA
Organizing Committee Members
Prof. J Paul Robinson | Purdue University, USA |
Prof. Collins Ouma | Maseno University, Kenya |
Dr. Benson Nyambega | Maseno University, Kenya |
Dr. Eddy Odari | Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya |
Dr. Stephen Ger | Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya |
Dr. Celestine Makobe | Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya |
Dr. Josiah Kuja | Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya |
Dr. Lucy Ochola | Institute of Primate Research, Kenya |
Ms. Dawn Maranga | Institute of Primate Research (IPR), Kenya |
Dr. Jesse Gitaka | Mount Kenya University, Kenya |
Dr. Winnie Okeyo | Biotechnology Research Institute, KALRO, Kenya |
Dr. Stephen K. Kanyiva | Japan |
Dr. Kennedy Okeyo | Purdue University., USA |
Dr. Koichi Watanabe | Hitachi., Japan |
Dr. Hiroko Hanzawa | Hitachi Ltd., Japan |
Prof. Aman Russom | KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden |
Prof. Masood Kamali-Moghaddam | Uppsala University, Sweden |
Advisory Committee Members
Dr. Hideki Kambara | Hitachi Ltd. Japan (Fellow Emeritus, AIBBC Honorary Chair) |
Prof. Hidetoshi Kotera | RIKEN, Japan |
Prof. Masao Washizu | The University of Tokyo, Japan (Professor emeritus) |
Prof. Taiji Adachi | Kyoto University Japan |
Prof. Tatsuro Irimura | Juntendo University, Japan |
Prof. Kazuma Mawatari | The University of Tokyo, Japan |
Prof. Mary Abukutsa Onyango | Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) |
Prof. Walter Jaoko | University of Nairobi, Kenya |
Dr. Julius Oyugi | University of Nairobi, Kenya |
Prof. Gunturu Revathi | Aga Khan University Hospital, Kenya |
Prof. Evans C. Egwim | Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria |
Dr. Shinji Nishimura | Hitachi Ltd., Japan |
Dr. Shinji Yamada | Hitachi, Ltd., Japan |
Dr. Shizu Takeda | Hitachi Ltd. Japan |
Mr. Kenko Uchida | RIGAKU Ltd., Japan |
MD. Shintaro Shokoku | Shokoku Shintaro Clinic, Japan |
Dr. El-ad David Amir | Astrolabe Diagnotics, Inc. USA |
Partner Organizations
- Maseno University, Kenya
- Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya
- Institute of Primate Research (IPR), Kenya
- Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO, Kenya)
- National Council for Science and Technology of Kenya (NACOSTI, Kenya)
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, JSPS, Japan
- Cytometry for Life Foundation, USA
- The Society for Single-Cell Surveyor, Japan